Eulalia Medina Sifuentes

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Born: Certified Father:
Died: Certified Mother:
Children: Patricio Martinez (1) (01/01/1840 - 01/01/1912)



I am not sure how far along you are in your search for ancestors but I wanted to run this by you. As I add records to a growing collection I came across the death records for Maria Saez and Patricio Martinez. These records hold invalueable vital information. Maria died in 1945, Guraragao , Ponce and we now know her maternal surname (Quiles) and parents names. Patricio died in 1912 in the same place as Maria, his mother was Eulalia Medina Sifuentes. If you are interested in purchasing these historical documents please let me know so that I may provide order information. In the spirit of our Ancestors!

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